Friday, November 12, 2010

From Yogurt, Müesli and Fresh Berries, to Homemade Müesli with Greek Yogurt and Thawed Frozen Berries, a Comparative Study.

This morning's breakfast was again made by 'er indoors. Normally sweet müesli doesn't do it for me, this time however the light sweetness of the honey against the pleasant tang of natural greek yogurt hit my tastenberge spot.
Made, in the 'first you must create the universe' sense. She made the granola from oats seeds honey etc. It is possible that this was because she doesn't like raisins and so left them out. Never the less it was the best mix I have ever tasted. To be honest I'm not sure I like(d) raisins in müesli. I can chew through them, but aren't raisins just a dry substitute for fresh grapes, and I'm always slightly disappointed when one ends up on my spoon. There's only one way to eat raisins really; souse them in some strong liquor.


  1. I am enjoying this blog very much and wish you would post more often.

  2. Well comingtoamerica, I haven't so much looked at my own blog since this post. A regular breakfast of granola and berries and yogurt have kept my stream of writing dry. But I will report on my more exotic tastes in the days to follow.
