Thursday, June 17, 2010


This morning I simply had a cup of coffee on the train. Mainly due to the delay yesterday caused by my insistence on a cooked breakfast following an impromptu weekday 'lie in' (standards aren't what they used to be).

I always enjoy the morning banter with my Serb-Iranian friend, and the coffee from his shop at the station is quite good. Having a civilised sized cup is crucial to good coffee. This is particularly so of the disparagingly termed 'Americano' as 8 fl oz means too much water for one shot of espresso.

A proper cup of coffee is always good, but cannot by any stretch qualify as breakfast (unless your are a junkie/fashion-model). Readers can safely assume that every breakfast I eat is washed down with a small cup of coffee. I might take a cappuccino if I eat breakfast out, but that'll normally be about brunch time.

Anyone who knows me, knows I don't believe in or acknowledge the existence of 'brunch'. One either eats breakfast late or skips it and has lunch early. Brunch is just another way for fat Americans to squeeze an extra meal of maple syrup into the day. Bad fatties, bad.

I'm very hungry now, and since I've counted my cup of coffee as breakfast, and I promised my girlfriend I'd have lunch with her; I'm off for some lunch-fast.

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